

Every single day I could think of something great
to describe my feelings towards you.
A string of words or a phrase to highlight
all the items that make me love you.

Every single day I could listen to a song
that can put what I want to tell into a better perspective.
The words that mean what is in my heart
expressed better than the words from my mouth.

Every single day I could have you take in a story
either written or in visual form that is a reflection of how I feel.
Some character being more suave than I ever could try and be
that says and does the perfect things to sweep you off your feet

Every single day I could do those items and much more,
whatever it takes to make you smile and land safely in my arms.
But you don’t want to receive what I have to give.
So every single day I hold on to the one shred of hope,
this will be the day all my dreams are realized.

Copyright 2007
by Sean Kimmel



Can’t get the courage to say
Thoughts pop up in my mind
Flashing through all the time
Hour by hour, day by day
Hoping to be one of a kind

Talk to you about the way I feel
The words just won’t come out
Bravery upon myself, it’s a lie
But in my heart, I'm certain it's for real
Don’t know what that's all about

Sitting with the emotional scar
Spun out of control as it grew
Another moment passes on by
Nothing said about my love from afar
Miserable, but I know what to do

Copyright 007
by Sean Kimmel