
Another Day

Thought it was all behind me
Then I saw you again
Feelings came up the same

Situation is different now
Through the time that’s past
And neither of us is to blame

Be lying if I said my mind was clear
Still think of you too much
Because my feelings are the same

Copyright 2008
by Sean Kimmel



Think back and dwell on the memories that are pleasant
Block out the pain and wrong she’s done
Tricking myself into holding on to the last strand
When you were never even in my grasp
Useless games, who has the stamina anymore
Or the mental state to endure the mind fucking
Just get over the bitch is what you are being told
But the people that speak don’t know my insides
Who are they to judge with their distant perspectives
Though you know it’s correct but the question remains
If you know she’s using you than are you really being used?

Copyright 2008
by Sean Kimmel