
Rant from the Unknown

Conform to the masses

Do what they say!
Do what they want!
Bow down to authority
Rules must be abided by

Laws for you protection 
          Not to be bent or broken 
                    Or else ramification occurs

One nation under a false of god of hope.
Forcing the beliefs on a world who doesn’t ask for help.

Rid society of the moral laws and turn your back on the poor
Forget unsavory characters, the world is better off with out them

“Brought it on yourself” syndrome
Assholes mutter under breathe
People with power going to their heads
Inmates running the asylum
Top dog is the dollar bill
Norms strive for the fifteen minutes
Originality few and far between 
  MOVIES: ideas taken from predecessors
MUSIC: sounds all the same
BOOKS: stories rehashed
ART: style gone

Houses all look the same
Lawns all the same height
Vehicles all similar styles
One step away from total likeness
All of us dressing alike

Stop the trend of turning everyone into clones

Then I realize that I’m the problem too.

Copyright 2009 
by Sean Kimmel

For more go to www.seankimmel.com

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